Supply chain and technology innovation Decom plans
Evolved Solutions Andy Clucas, summarises the features and benefits of supply chain and technology innovation plans;
How many times have we been discussing a decom challenge and thought ‘there must be a better way of doing this?’ or ’surely someone has developed a technology to resolve this?’
Luckily I have learned as a pro-active operator (supporting the supply chain to innovate solutions to decommissioning challenges), as an innovator within the supply chain and with my recent experience of establishing a technology centre and industry programme for the supply chain and technology, that a lot of the answers to the industry decom challenges are already out there, you just need to find and encourage them.
To achieve a step change in out-turn costs for decommissioning, it’s obviously key to approach this phase of an asset life and project delivery with a new opportunity/risk mind-set, while challenging those opportunities that are offered in scope reduction, commercial basis and industry alignment on scale.
A key to that new mind-set is to find a way of uncovering these innovative supply chain and technology solutions and encouraging them.
In the UK, the MER objectives, set a target of at least 35% cost reduction, upon (what we are hoping are) robust provisions.
My insight, tells me that 35% reduction, in costs incurred, from traditional methods (or provisions), in subsea activity, could be achievable from the innovative/technology driven supply chain alone. When I say, ‘innovative/technology driven supply chain’, I’m speaking of those who will prosper by providing solutions that lower decom expenditure.
The challenge has been in providing visibility to Operators and Tier 1’s, of the solution benefits.
I have therefore captured present available supply chain (commercialised) solutions and near future developments (technology being developed or re-purposed) for the challenge of decommissioning,
I've attached a template snap shot of a subsea technology and supply chain option summary, fully sanitised!. The plan captures decom options, innovative solutions to those scopes, whether new (in development), repurposed or existing and with some assessment/ranking on benefits.
Efficiency and cost delivery of decommissioning is advancing quickly, notably from specialists and also owners & providers/innovators. So I appreciate, it will be key to keep capturing ideas and ensuring this data is regularly updated.
The present plan is to provide operators and Tier 1’s with this service, for generic or specific decom project challenges, to ensure they continue to apply BAT (best available technology) and lowest cost and efficient supply chain available solutions, globally.
If you need this support, please feel free to contact me.